Audit, Retrocommissioning, and Building Performance Standard Implementation Considerations for Policymakers

This resource was developed as part of Putting Data to Work, a multi-year pilot project that analyzed ways to use building performance data generated by city policies to improve energy efficiency program design and delivery in the District of Columbia and New York City. Putting Data to Work is a resulting toolkit of resources to enable local governments, utilities, and program implementers to learn from activities to replicate success.

Following the publication of the toolkit, it became clear that additional resources would be useful to cities. Namely, guidance on collecting and using audit and asset information, and guidance on collecting and using available monthly energy data through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. This report is designed to fill the audit and asset guidance gap for cities, with monthly energy data being addressed in a separate report, Using Monthly Energy Data from Benchmarking Programs, published in parallel under this effort.

This guide includes considerations for jurisdictions trying to determine which level of audit to require and which data fields to collect from completed audit reports, and discusses asset data that can be collected from other processes that necessitate a site visit. We include best practice from jurisdictions that have been collecting audit data for several years, include overviews of tools available for data collection and management, and recommendations for how cities can go beyond data collection to design programs and policies to advance energy efficiency.

View the full collection of Putting Data to Work resources at

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