For high-performance buildings to become business as usual, all disciplines in the building industry need to recognize the role they play in actualizing this vision. In most cases, each discipline, from owners to designers to builders to operators, works very much in a silo, handing off a building project from one phase to the next throughout the lifecycle of a building. This disjointed approach inhibits the adoption of high-performing buildings because the knowledge and expertise from each discipline can get lost or not valued as highly as it needs to be, and each discipline has an enormous impact on building performance.

Recognizing the roles that each discipline plays, and how they can help realize high-performing buildings, is essential for high-performance buildings to become industry standard. Each discipline needs to work together and understand the value that the others bring to the table.

The Priority Action Playbook from IMT’s Building Innovation Hub outlines a list of actions for each profession and describes what they need to do to be prepared to prioritize energy efficiency. The focus of these playbooks are practitioners in the Washington, DC market, however, they contain information that can be helpful in other jurisdictions.


The full set of playbooks include:

Program Area(s):

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