Across the country, an ever-growing number of cities, counties, and states are passing building performance policies that require property owners to gather, share and, in some cases, take action on building energy and water use. Passing the legislation is the first step. Garnering robust compliance is the next critical step. Clear and timely communications materials that tell stakeholders affected by legislation how and when they must comply with a policy are the essential tools to achieve high compliance rates. This template toolkit provides the backbone documents for four key city-issued compliance communications, including notification to comply, compliance checklist, exemption and extension forms, and sample violation notifications.

This resource is part of the City Energy Project Resource Library. Launched in 2019, the library is the culmination of 6+ years of work on the ground in 20 U.S. cities to reduce energy use in large buildings. The City Energy Project is a joint project of IMT and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). For more information, visit


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